How to Live Out Your Faith in Your Career

The Word FAITH. Image created by O. Yvette Ray using a template in Canva

As a Christian woman, having a career and living a saved life can be hard.

The challenges we face as women are enough. Add the “Christian” label and we get all kinds of flack for pursuing our dreams and goals.

We’re often told we aren’t spiritual enough or we don’t trust God—all because we choose to have a family and work. Or we decide to work in a field that’s not “spiritual.”

Or we choose a career and delay starting a family.

And let’s be clear, you are still a career woman if you work from home for a corporation or are self-employed.

We get caught up by the terminology. Instead of doing that, let’s focus on the issue.

You can be a Christian woman and have a career that’s not necessarily Christian-focused.

If you’re concerned, let’s look at the scripture. We live in this world but we are not of this world. John 17:16.

The world has a certain belief system that is against God and His authority. We live in this world, but choose God and His ways.

So we’re here and we accept there are things we should not do. But let’s face it, unless you plan to live out in the woods, totally disconnected from humanity, you live in this world.

I mean even in the woods, you’re in this world. Trust me there are other’s out there with you.

The difference is as a Christian female, you are a believer in Jesus Christ and all that comes with that wonderful life.

So how can you live out your faith in your career?

For starters, you have options when selecting your career.

  • Your secular-focused job can become the career you excel in and shine a light on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Your ministry calling or spiritual gift could be your career. Then you get to combine the two.

  • You can work for someone else or be an entrepreneur who works for yourself or is self-employed. In essence, you can somewhat control your environment.

There are many options. And if you don’t like where you are or where your career is going…It’s never too late to change careers, even in your mature years.

After you decide what career, follow God’s will no matter what.

Saying it is one thing but doing it can be hard.

You will be challenged, tempted, and tested. But you can live out your faith around the people you work with.

  • Be a good witness. They are watching you even when you don’t realize it. No pressure, right?

  • Be light to those who need it. You don’t have to quote scripture to be light.

  • Be a friend when needed. Or at the least, don’t be an adversary. Don’t make someone else’s job harder.

  • Do your job well. Don’t give the naysayers a reason to speak negatively against you.

Stay connected to God.

Do the work to remain in your spiritual place.

  • Build yourself up in your most holy faith. Jude 1:20

  • Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10

  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6

Make a career change, if necessary.

Sometimes, your career collides with your faith in a way that you feel the need to change careers.

And that’s ok.

Make the change.

Your takeaway:

Take action to live out your faith in your career. You can do it.


A key focus for Empower Women Winners is to help you grow in your faith and live your God-Given Dreams.

You can do this at work and home.

We offer resources to help you, whether you stay where you are or when it’s time to change careers.

Here are two options for you to consider.

  1. Winners Win Resources

  2. Use this resource if you’re a writer or desire to be one.

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Yvette Ward

Empowering women to embrace their God-centered purpose, build financial independence, and grow in faith. Through her writing, coaching, and community, she helps women live with intention, confidence, and grace.

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