Being Content and Satisfied with Life is Great, Don’t Settle For Less


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Contentment does not mean to stop improving, growing, or pushing for what you want.

When you hear be content with what you have, do you feel relief as though you can pull back a bit? Do you think that maybe you've been trying too hard and "all that extra" work to improve is not required? But you also hear the phrase don't settle for less than you deserve. Is that all just hype?

What do you feel when you think about these two words, content and satisfaction? Do those words feel as though you're being told that you should be grateful for what you have and not desire more? 

What about don't settle for less? How do those words make you feel?

How can you be content but not settle for less?

I believe settling for less can be addressed from multiple perspectives. 

  • Thinking less of yourself than the Word says.

  • Receiving less than what you desire.

  • Accepting less than God's best.

You are more than a conqueror. You're chosen, royalty, and significant. You're an overcomer and victorious, not a victim.

Chosen women, don't settle for less. As a matter of fact, you stand taller when you recognize who you are and own that you're God's daughter. You understand there's greatness within you, and you move as such.

"One day you will wake up and be so glad you did not settle. You will be so glad you did not give up. You will be so glad you did not sync yourself to someone else's pace and you chose instead to anchor yourself in the steady rhythm of grace." — Morgan Harper Nichols

Now let's backtrack to contentment. Some of our circumstances are so dire and severe that being emotionally ok seems ridiculous. I will not sum up everyone's life in this one moment. I will share that we can be content regardless of what's happening with us…the contentment is in whatever situation we find ourselves. It is not necessarily easy. However, it is absolutely possible.

Being content is not about what’s happening, it is more about how we think and feel about what is happening. Scripture talks about this when Paul wrote to one of the Churches about being in situations, 

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: Philippians 4:11

To continue, contentment does not mean sitting still, not doing anything about your situation, and just allowing life to happen to you. You do have choices.

Allow your experiences to help you decide.

What a teacher our experiences can be 

  • for our lives

  • the way we process information

  • and the way we move forward

You may decide to put forth energy and fight for what others choose to allow to pass by. I want to talk about a wise woman in the Bible who took action to save her city.

Listen, you may not feel the need to save a whole city. But what about protecting yourself from some negative situation, whether at work, home, or wherever.

Or what if you can help your family, children, or someone else. Learn to use wisdom in your decision-making.

The normal inclination is to put up our defenses when someone or something seems to threaten our loved ones or us in some way. But what if there's another solution.

Understand who you are and be bold about it.

During David's reign as king of Israel, there was a decline in morals and values. Many people started making decisions that did not align with God’s Word and His ways. People were suffering the consequences. But just like today, God's people still did what they believed was right in serving Him.

Even though Saul had not been king for many years, a man from his tribe still wanted to destroy David's kingdom. I tell you what, sometimes people won't let by gones be by gones. Do you agree?

Saul was not the king; why were people still fighting to take control when God had already made it clear that David was His chosen man? It sometimes seems people just don't get the message.

You're God's child, so why do some continue to give you a hard time? I know I digress, but you need to know who you are.

You're not small potatoes. You have a great vision, mind, and opportunity, even if you don't know how to get it out into the world  In Winner's Win A Study Guide for Women, my daughter, Taneka, and I talk about identifying your gifts, dreams, and visions. The goal is for you to accomplish what God placed inside you. We believe this is critically important so you can win in life. 

Back to our story, this man, Sheba wanted to destroy David's kingdom. He decided to hide in a city that was not quite what he expected. Sheba thought he could just hang out there while David's army was out looking for him. David's men found out where he was and set up to destroy the city.

Well, this wise woman was not about to stand by and watch David's army destroy her homeland when this enemy, this outsider, this intruder, brought his issues to them.

Wait! This near attack was because of one person?

Remember this, the way some people do things is not necessarily God's way.

Again, this woman was not having it. She climbed the wall for all to see. She challenged David's army and their reasoning, and she got to the root of the matter. 

She asked what do you want?

She let them know who she was. We're God's people. Why are you trying to destroy us? 

Make a decision when one is needed.

When she heard the only reason was to get to this one intruder, who presented himself as the victim, she said oh ok, yeah, you can have him.

I laughed because it was as though this one woman decided for all.

Yep, you can have him. 

Bring that intruder. The army asked for him and she agreed to send them his head, and this woman made sure it was delivered; they tossed it over the wall. I mean, that sounds harsh and brutal, but what can I say. I didn't write the Bible.

The significance is clear; her actions saved the city. The army of men could have killed everyone, imprisoned them, or made them servants. I mean, many things could have gone wrong for this city.

The same is true for you. Your situation could alter your life. You have the opportunity to stand up and use your influence, skills, abilities, and even your knowledge. Why not make the decision?

Don't settle for less than you deserve, sitting around waiting for the inevitable to come. -O. Yvette Ward

Why wait when you can create? You have the power and the ability to be who you want.

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Yvette Ward

Empowering women to embrace their God-centered purpose, build financial independence, and grow in faith. Through her writing, coaching, and community, she helps women live with intention, confidence, and grace.

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Be Content With What You Have, Don’t Settle For Less