Be Content With What You Have, Don’t Settle For Less

Who are you? Do you call yourself a life winner? What do you want to be when you grow up? How do you want to live?

 I have what it takes to be successful? Do I have what it takes to be successful? I'm already successful, right?

 These questions swim around our minds causing us to challenge who we are as individuals. Bigger questions end up plaguing us. Am I an entrepreneur? Can I do this business? Am I a good friend? Am I a good wife? Am I measuring up? What's wrong with me?

 Do you see where all these questions are going? Down the rabbit hole of self-doubt that could easily turn into self-sabotage.

How so?

Well because we become paralyzed with inactivity, trying to figure it all out. We question ourselves, our motives, and our abilities to the point of overwhelming exhaustion. Who can be most effective when weighed down with all this mental baggage? No one.

 Be mindful of what's important to you.

I've been reading a lot about mindfulness lately. I know mindfulness is not a Biblical term. But stay with me for a few minutes. With all the negativity, questioning ourselves, and doubts running through our minds, it's no wonder we don't accomplish all that we could.

Imagine this,

  • You do know what you want to do and who you are.

  • You are more than enough.

  • You are capable.


The key is remembering this at the point of need.

Mindfulness helps with this concept of letting go. Stopping the negative self-talk. That does not give us the license to sit around and do nothing. It does help us rewrite our stories.

Eliminate the unimportant opportunities.

We are often presented with the next great opportunity or the next great experience. When we chase too much, we can easily lose perspective of who we are. And it’s hard to focus on what we know we are to do.

So stay focused and say no to the rest.

Chase the Vision that God has given to you.

Write the vision and make it plain is often quoted.


Because it’s true. When you write down what you see as your vision or your next steps, it’s easier to follow. Right?

It’s your blueprint for moving forward. So get into a quiet place so you can hear what your Father is saying to you. Write it down, and make the steps clear so you can take action. Then see if you can hold on to the vision of who you are.

I believe you will.

Blessings and Hugs!


Yvette Ward

Empowering women to embrace their God-centered purpose, build financial independence, and grow in faith. Through her writing, coaching, and community, she helps women live with intention, confidence, and grace.

Being Content and Satisfied with Life is Great, Don’t Settle For Less


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