3 Powerful Ways to Grow and Prosper Where You’re Planted!


Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Jeremiah 29:5

As a woman full of dreams and ambitions, building the life you want can initially seem daunting. The idea that you can grow and prosper where you’re planted sounds good, right?

Let’s face it, ladies, you’re often filled with more questions than answers. You may wonder whether you’re in the right place or capable of doing more. You get stuck wondering what people will think of you if you dare pursue your dreams.

Frankly, it’s all enough to make a woman go into hiding, that is, until you make up your mind.

When your situation pushes you far enough, you finally decide living the life of your dreams is worth the pursuit. The dream that God has placed within you is worth your efforts.

Life takes on new meaning when you decide to build where you’re located. Uprooting life is not always necessary to succeed.

Consider starting where you are and iterating, making changes as you grow.


There’s a woman in the Bible who’s an excellent example of growing and prospering where she lived.

Before I tell you who she is, let’s be clear: all she accomplished was done over her lifetime. She did not create this life all at once.

You must look at the Bible from the proper perspective. The Bible is about people’s lives, not always one instance of the person's life. Remember this as we look at the Proverbs 31 woman.

You can take inspiration from her life when you acknowledge her actions required the same types of activities that you require today.

She didn’t just wake up one morning and be completely accomplished. It took time, commitment, and consistent activity.

I’m sure she prayed, sought counsel, and tried and failed…maybe even a few times. But the key is she did the work.

Ladies, you can glean some powerful lessons from her life.


Embrace Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

The Proverbs 31 woman could be described as a savvy businesswoman. She knew what she wanted and went for it.

Today, we refer to these as entrepreneurial endeavors…She bought fields and planted vineyards. That’s real estate and farming or agriculture.

I recently saw a FaceBook group that promotes black women and homesteading. I knew I had to join. This community of black ladies encouraged me to go further with my focus on legacy and heritage - to embrace natural, wholesome living. Eat naturally by living off the land, where we share the goods with others.

Can you see yourself buying and selling? Or planting and growing for yourself and others?

Here’s another phase of her life. The Proverbs 31 woman made and sold linen garments. In essence, she was in the business of textile production.

Today’s woman could be the seamstress who also markets her products. This resourceful woman generated income for her family by providing resources that others needed and were willing to pay. Using her talents and skills, she managed her household well and prospered. She provided for her family.

Isn’t that growing and prospering where you’re planted?

Like this resourceful woman, you have unique talents and skills waiting to be unleashed!

  • Is there a small business you want to start?

  • Is there a project you’re passionate about?

Then start working at it…consider starting or supporting a non-profit organization or for-profit business that needs what you offer.

Maybe you need to increase your skills. Then, get an education. And remember, education could be a college, university, certification program, or other training.

Don't be afraid to take that next step.


Create a Caring & Supportive Environment

The Proverbs 31 woman managed her household well. The Bible says she rose early to provide food for her family and provide directions to those who worked for her.

She committed to the work that allowed her home to run well and provide for everyone’s needs. That included her money-making activities.

Let me pause here as a reminder.

Children are not asked to be born. It’s our responsibility as adults to care for the children while they’re young.

When they’re older, the expectation is they should care for themselves. This is not always the case in every home; those edge cases are expected and not to be frowned upon.

Do your best to create a safe, loving, and supportive environment. Give your family a chance for refreshing, spiritual, and emotional growth.

I’m sure you noticed the Proverbs 31 woman had servants, people who helped care for the family. Most people do not. God bless you if you’re fortunate enough to be in that minority of those who do.

So, how does this relate to you today?

If you have a business, you may have employees, or maybe you’re a manager with team members.  It’s up to you to direct their work to get the expected outcomes.

The Proverbs 31 woman did the same. Again, she dealt with the same types of activities and challenges that you face today.

Your home is more than a place to live. And your business is more than a place to work and make money. Either place can be a sanctuary for all who enter.

Evoke a sense of peace and support where your family and employees find the culture they need to thrive and grow.

You’ll experience better success as well.


Empower Women to Succeed in Life and Business_spiral notebook_Yvette Ward

This beautiful notebook can help you with motivation to take more notes, write down ideas, or list future dreams.


Be a Giver in Your Community

The Proverbs 31 woman was busy caring for her family and business. But she still found time to take care of others. She extended her hand to the poor and opened her arms to the needy.

There’s something good to be said for people who choose to give of themselves in service to others.

I know of a group of Angels On Earth who do the same. They’re a blessing to their community. People trust these Angels for support when needed.

This sense of goodwill in the community and surrounding areas is a form of “love your neighbors as yourself” discussed in the Bible.

Sometimes, life feels overwhelming, but helping others can bring a sense of peace and comfort in your life.

  • Help a neighbor.

  • Volunteer your time and resources to a worthwhile cause.

  • Do something to help put a smile on someone’s face.

Your actions could share the hope needed for a person, family, or business to succeed in life-altering ways.


You’re a resourceful woman. You can positively change your life, family, business, and community.

Change happens when you build, plant, harvest, and give where you live.

  • Pray for the city and those who live and work there.

  • Do all you can.

  • Use your gifts.

  • Create an environment conducive to restoration.

  • Help your neighbors.

There is power in building and settling down, pursuing your dreams, and releasing your talents to benefit yourself and others.

When you do, your city will prosper, and so will you.

And all this can be done right where you are.

Yvette Ward

Empowering women to embrace their God-centered purpose, build financial independence, and grow in faith. Through her writing, coaching, and community, she helps women live with intention, confidence, and grace.


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