What are my thoughts about my purpose?

“What are your thoughts about your purpose?” — Taneka Rubin

That question is from Taneka’s writing prompts journal. I know my purpose, and honestly, at times, it scares me. Living an inspired and purpose-driven life sounds good in theory, but is it practical for many of us? As I answer the question, “What are your thoughts about your purpose,” I hope you’ll find that it is good and practical. But notice, I didn’t say it’s easy.

I had a conversation recently with a friend. I told her I know that God has given me a very specific purpose for my life, and if I walk in it, people will start to make some tough, life-altering decisions.

My purpose is to run my business, Inspired Eagle Enterprise, LLC. One facet is to share my Christian faith, to influence women, whether Christian or not, to live inspired lives for God.

A part of the business is Empower Women Winners. The vision is to let women know they are unique, special, beautiful, and made on purpose with purpose. Women, we are Daughters of the King who deserve to be treated as the Queens that we are.

My thoughts about my purpose:

  • This purpose requires me to function at my higher level, begging the answer to another question: Do I want to be the woman the role requires? Yes, today, I am that woman, but I sort of put her on the shelf for a couple of years. I downplayed who I am and God’s purpose for my life.

  • I can enter into this space and effect change and growth for many people. Why? Because of this God-inspired vision. As a result, I will experience a very different life.

  • This brings me to another question. Do I want to keep things simple or “save the world?” I laugh about this one; it sounds absurd that I could make a significant enough impact to change the world. However, I know that when I do what God has given me to do, I have no control over the outcome. I could very well have a hand in saving the world just by my obedience. And so could you.

  • This vision would require me never to look back. Once I start, I must be fully committed. Next question: Is that what I want? I believe some of my early childhood decisions pointed me toward this direction. So, yes, what I do today points me toward five years from now. When I decide to go all in on the purpose God intended for me, there shall be no going back.

  • Unintentionally on my part, my life has been crafted for a specific purpose. How do I say no to it? Would I be fulfilled if I don’t walk in it?

  • I have an entire legacy behind me, pushing me to create a future life of purpose on purpose.

  • There are new horizons in front of me, which gives an entirely new meaning to my life and those who choose to engage with this purpose.

  • To walk in my purpose is to build the kind of life that will make something more of me to fulfill that purpose. The focus is helping others; by obeying the call on my life, I would inevitably become a better version of myself. This is not arrogance; this is a fact. It’s impossible to do what God has shown me without growing spiritually.

  • To walk in my purpose requires me to love what I do with every part of me. Yes, I do love it.

  • In my mind, there are very specific actions required of me as I function in my purpose of helping women.

What scares me about this purpose is the vision is huge.

Final Reflections

I have written the vision and made it plain so that I and others who come alongside me can run with it.

So, I am aware of the depth, the scale, the time, and the money commitments.

And yet, I choose to live this inspired and purpose-driven life.

Live Inspired

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Yvette Ward

Author of the newsletter Live Inspired Letter and several books including co-author of Winners Win: A Study Guide for Women - Unlocking The Potential To Live Your God-Given Dreams. Yvette writes to inspire women to succeed in life and business.


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